Living Free as a PT Read online

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  There are a number of private financial strategies involved and/or available with that situation but obviously, highly sensitive VIP strategies don’t go into a book to be published and distributed worldwide. Those are reserved for our inner circle.

  So yes, there are ways to walk away from the control, abuse and theft by the central bankers and their controlled minions, collectors and enforcers. It’s 100% clean, legal and all above board. Nobody has ever gotten into trouble for doing clean business with transparent contracts and full supporting paperwork to provide checks and balances along the way.

  Once the business/money travels ‘over the horizon’ it’s never seen again by prying eyes who do not have a ‘need to know’. Yet, as a functionary of the ‘business’ your access is as close as the nearest ATM.

  Do you know which country is the world’s largest tax haven? You might be surprised to know that it’s the USA. Yes, it’s the biggest tax haven in the world for ‘foreigners’. It’s own people are prisoners and slaves but foreigners are treated as kings! Yet another example of how the 5 Flag Concept can be so beneficial.

  I have used so many attorneys over the years and it’s sad to say that only 1 has been deemed worthy of my continued loyalty over the years. He also happens to have penned a book entitled ‘HOW YOU CAN USE THE USA AS YOUR PERSONAL TAX HAVEN’. You’ll find it on Amazon.

  What’s beautiful about the USA is that they force other countries to comply with ridiculous disclosure and reporting requirements back to the USA and in return, neither the USA nor the EU impose the same obligations on themselves to report to the rest of the world. It’s a complete double standard. Do as I say, not as I do!

  So why not at least have your ‘money’ become a foreigner, you put on your ‘mystical magical teflon suit’ and enjoy the benefits of the worlds largest tax haven right in your own back yard?

  This world is screwed up, isn’t it? Just gain some knowledge and you can make it work ‘for you’ rather than ‘against you’.

  Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her ;sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

  - Revelations. 18:4

  If any of these issues might be of interest, just follow the breadcrumbs found in the Appendix.

  In the early 1980s, I wrote a book called ‘The Complete Guide to Financial Privacy.’ If I would write that book today, it would be a pamphlet. There is precious little privacy left.

  - Mark Skousen


  Living without credit Requires being ‘properly trained’

  Nearly the entire industrialized world has been sucked into the debt trap. Our discussion on the central banks has already addressed this. But as it relates to lifestyle, most people appear to have a lot of nice things; car, home, recreational vehicles, possibly a summer home, fancy furniture, nice neighborhood etc. You know the routine. And you know very well that the vast majority don’t own a damn thing! Quite the contrary!

  Because of being in servitude to the creditors, the debt masters own them and the debtors have to work double or triple hard just to ‘maintain’ the image of success when in fact they are debt slaves working for the bankers. Enough said.

  So, here comes this guy from the states. He lost everything after being a political prisoner for a year or so. He comes out with little more than his custom tailored prison release clothes. He has no cash, no savings and no income and no job. He does what he has to for survival and starts with only some ideas and begins developing a business concept.

  He had previously cancelled his SS-4 application/contract (Social Security Card) with the Social Security Administration and did the same with his Drivers License.

  So with no S.S. number/card, no drivers license and the only thing showing on his credit report was an old bankruptcy, he had no bank account, no credit and was living in other peoples’ homes, let’s just say he pretty much had ‘no nothing’ that ordinary people would say he would need to launch an effort at creating success!

  What kind of a life would you project for someone like this?

  What he did have was some friends and contacts. He had plenty of creativity. He had enthusiasm. He had knowledge and life experience and he had a burning desire to teach people the truth along with solutions to modern day problems.

  He leveraged his contacts and experience to get him some good work doing training and asset protection for a forward thinking group working in ‘alt-finance’. He was paid in cash.

  He saved. He found a girl. Got married and within 18 months was on his way to Central America with a couple of shirts and a cute little dog.

  So to make this really short, how does a guy like this find his way in a new country, where he doesn’t speak the language well, he has no track record, no credit history, is new to town and the country and then he gets a mortgage for $300,000 to buy a 10 acre hacienda full of every imaginable fruit tree with huge pool, rancho and a house he completely remodeled and rebuilt into a tropical palace?

  In this case, you’ve heard the phrase ‘money talks’ and that’s the key. This guy was purchasing the property in the name of a company which he created and had good banking history and he put 30% of the property sale price as a down payment PLUS he was able to show sufficient cash flow to the bank to assure them he could make the payment. It was that simple.

  Of course, ‘that guy’ was me.

  This place was so beautiful I thought I had died and gone to heaven. It was a true tropical paradise.

  Fast forward a few years: Things aren’t working out so well with the wife. She conspires with her lady friend who is the registered agent on the company, she sneaks into my office and takes the company bearer shares, and many other companies I was managing at the time. She has me removed from the bank accounts, cancels the Powers of Attorney I was operating on for the various companies and leaves me destitute and not even willing to talk. Nice!

  No problem. At the time, I was overloaded with stress trying to manage too much and this relieved me of all of that. The first night out of the house on my own was the best night of sleep I’ve ever had.

  What next?

  Just like before: Start a new business, re-establish my banking, take my ideas, contacts, experience and enthusiasm and do it again, this time bigger and better and without the headache and interference of a ‘wanna be’ looking over my shoulder at every move. I make it sound easy but it wasn’t. It took extreme perseverance, commitment, discipline and the attitude to continue forward during difficult times or die! This is what most people are missing these days, that ‘Do or Die’ attitude to keep on keeping on and never quit.

  Now to the point of living without credit.

  This second time around I didn’t have the advantage of having savings and a chunk of cash I could just plunk down.

  And if I did have it, I wouldn’t be sinking it into dirt and bricks.

  We’ve all heard about ‘the time value of money’.

  Consider yourself having to make a decision. The decision comes down to choosing one of two options. Say you have $100,000 in the bank (or any amount).

  Option 1 is: You can sink it into real estate and buy a home giving it all to the bank/seller and then be broke again, or

  Option 2 is: keep your nest egg, invest it in your business or in other high yielding opportunities and rent a beautiful palatial home to live in without having to make the huge investment and commitment.

  It’s not too hard to find opportunities in the international markets where you can generate 10% or more per month in passive investments. Or do the same or better in your own business.

  Let’s work the numbers. Instead of investing the $100,000 in a home which will be an anchor for you holding you down, your 10% monthly earnings on that same amount, if invested, would generate $10,000 a month and the seed capital remains.

  That $10,000 a month pays the rent on a high
end palatial Hacienda plus leaves you more than enough to live on and invest into your business to make it grow. If your return were only 2% on the $100k you still have enough for rent and some bills and you keep your $100k in the bank.

  Here where I live now is without question one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen and I’ve been around. It’s in the mountains, away from the riff-raff, surrounded by lush tropical vegetation and animals, spectacular views of the ocean and coastline 20 miles below, waterfalls, hiking trails and so much. It’s a dream.

  Being a renter I can pick up stakes and move when I want, I’m not tied down and in this locale, I’ve enjoyed living in several of the best homes in the area. I get bored. I like variety.

  The real estate market here right now is soft so available homes are plentiful. I expect it to get even softer for the next few years. Currently I’m living in a $500,000 home with the most spectacular views in the world and what would you guess the rent to be? It’s only $1000 a month. In the scenario above that would leave me an additional $9,000 a month to grow my business or re-invest.

  One thing I’ve done is to use some of the extra cash and rent a penthouse apartment in the city where I can go and entertain and enjoy the benefits of a world class city, have business meetings in a comfortable setting and basically have the best of both worlds.

  As a PT in such a place where the government isn’t out to harass you or steal from you, I live better without any credit than most people do WITH tons of credit (and debt).

  The key is doing your own ‘Proper Transactions’ and being a ‘Previous Taxpayer’ helps a little bit also.

  Are you starting to see the light?

  “Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity.” - Herbert Hoover


  Harmonizing law with ‘perfect transcendence’

  Most of us eventually come to realize at some point in life that finding harmony in all things is the key to peace and happiness. If you’ve studied the issue at all you know how important it is the we find the right ‘frequencies’ to use and tap into.

  I’ve seen electrical frequency generators heal physical ailments. I’ve seen colored light beams do the same to physical problems deep inside the body. What is light? Frequency! What is the difference between blue light and red light? Frequency!

  Dogs and other animals can sense and hear frequencies which humans just physically cannot. We all have seen TV shows with stories of ghosts or spirits being able to pass through walls with ease and many marvel at this. But they are operating on a different frequency which is not hindered by the low frequency of the mass of a physical object.

  Those who are more spiritually in tune with God and the universe will often talk about a certain sensitivity they have which gives them the ability to tap into a higher frequency. We all have this capability innately within us and it’s simply matter of awareness and development.

  With these concepts in mind then, we can talk about the bulky, clumsy control systems of man and his governments being similar to the low frequency of physical mass, say a block of wood or stone.

  For those who want to rise above it, it then becomes a matter that we fine tune our awareness, knowledge, discipline and physical and legal positioning to find the correct frequencies whereby, like the spirits effortlessly traversing through walls of a house, you can effortlessly traverse the walls of control.

  So let’s bring it back down to earth and practical matters. By now it should be crystal clear that the single most salient characteristic of a successful PT is that he escapes most if not all local regulations and obligations wherever he is simply due to the fact that he appears as though he is from ‘somewhere else’. He doesn’t belong in the group known as ‘local citizens’ or ‘residents’.

  And as you will see shortly, if you walk as a follower of Jesus, you really don’t belong to this ‘World’. You operate on a different level living in the spiritual realm and not so much the physical.

  The rationale for that is simple. Regardless of where you live or under which flag, the traits of Central Government (that block of wood you need to traverse) are always the same;

  –  Demands supreme jurisdiction

  –  Develops into a self willed entity, the people notwithstanding.

  –  Has its own personality (unchallenged authority and force)

  –  Must protect itself with force and coercion to survive

  –  Is never a servant, but rather a master

  –  Is perpetually at war with the public

  –  Uses police and corrupt courts to enforce its will

  –  Uses debt, threat, brutality and brainwashing against the people among other weapons to ensure compliance.

  –  Uses a central bank, a central tax collector, a central welfare system, a centrally controlled police system and a government licensed education system to keep the people subjugated.

  Now, under those conditions, who wouldn’t want to be ‘from somewhere else’? You don’t have to think too hard about that one.

  To see how we live today and where we are headed, we only have to look back into history to see that we are repeating the exact same scenario that occurred in the Bible with the history of the tower of Babel.

  In the days of Babylon men thought that they could build a tower tall enough to reach the heavens thus putting man on a par with God.

  Today, sorry souls are using technology to create hideous distortions and interventions in nature (CERN, DNA splicing, genetic re-engineering, etc.), preparing to merge man and machine so that men can be ‘super human’ with capabilities better than what God created and so man can live virtually forever with implanted technology and surpass the divine plan God had for us. In this line of thinking, man becomes his own God and then doesn’t need God. Pure folly. Why would any rational creature want any part of that?

  In today’s world we are re-living history to the ’T’.

  I told you about my experience as an Ambassador to the Embassy of Heaven and how I destroyed and returned my state issued papers and obtained my new ‘papers’ from the Embassy of Heaven church. This prompted me to dig deeper into this issue to expand my knowledge seeking those higher frequencies.

  In ONE FREEMANS WAR… I filled 13 pages of the appendix with selected biblical scriptures all relating to Revelations 18:4 “Come out of her my people and do not share in her sins so as to not share in her plagues.”

  I won’t repeat those 13 pages here. Hopefully you can get that book and learn a lot from it as well.

  But two of my (many) favorites are;

  - 1 Corinthians 7:21: “were you a slave when called? If you can gain your freedom do it. For he who is called in the Lord as a slave is a freedman of the Lord.”

  – II Corinthians 10:3: “For though we live in the world we are not carrying on a worldly war for the weapons of our warfare are not worldly but have divine power to destroy strongholds (other frequencies). We destroy arguments and every proud obstacle to the knowledge of God and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience when your obedience is complete.”

  Now let’s ponder those scriptures. What do they say to you? Don’t they say;

  You have a choice, be a slave to man or be a freedman unto the Lord? Check

  As a freedman (PT) we are ‘in’ the world, be we are not ‘of’ (belong to) the world? Check

  With our PT positioning and with the power of the Holy Spirit in us, our weapons of knowledge, spirit and purpose have the power to destroy arguments and strongholds. What you’ve read up until this point in my various exploits breaking through one wall after another is a clear indication that I have destroyed those strongholds which have been built to fence us in and control us and I have done it with regularity. Check

/>   No argument can stand on its own against us. We rise above the tricks and traps of control and subjugation. All it requires is knowledge and obedience to Jesus. With that, HIS blessings and hand of protection are upon us. Remember my pleas to ‘make me invisible’ when I was in my car with ‘Heaven’ plates at the stoplights in Oklahoma City with cop cars and sheriffs deputies swirling all around me? I was invisible and was never hassled. I tapped into a frequency and rose above my earthly situation.

  So the key to being a successful PT is clear. All of the tips, strategies, positioning discussed in previous chapters are the ‘mechanics’ which form the machine.

  Your spiritual strength comes from knowing who you are as a son or daughter in Jesus, being obedient and receiving HIS blessings. This is the fuel which powers the mechanical engine you’ve built. They must work together for ultimate success as defined in this book.

  Now, I know that some people who are not well informed will always come forward and challenge me saying that I will put people in jail with this information. Hogwash. People are already going to jail for no good reason and I have nothing to do with that. And that will continue regardless.

  This happens every day because they do not know who they are and are ignorant of how they should be handling themselves. That’s the reality we face. You are already in jeopardy by doing nothing. Your only hope is to take bold action to be free!

  Take a low profile (not like me) and escape scrutiny which is the entire purpose of this book. So don’t get confused.

  This position is not to put one in conflict with the present day authorities. In fact, when you do things correctly there can be mutual respect and harmony, at least for a time. But don’t forget that we are in the end times and true Christians will be martyred en masse anyway. That’s prophecy unfolding, not some little book on the PT lifestyle! Sorry, but this book is not going to change biblical prophesy!