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- Mark Emery
Living Free as a PT
Living Free as a PT Read online
Copyright © 2018 PCF World Mission LLC
All rights reserved.
ISBN-13: 978-0-578-41386-0
This book is a labor of love done for the hundreds of millions around the world who feel trapped, subdued and subjugated by a system which seems determined to suck any opportunity right out of life as soon as it appears. This work is a testimony to the blessings I’ve received and above all is dedicated to the power, glory and mercy of our lord Jesus the Christ who has similar and better blessings for all those who seek HIM.
1 What it’s all about
2 The odyssey begins
3 How I Became a ‘Private Traveler’
4 How I became a ‘Permanent Tourist’
5 How I became a ‘Person of Talent’
6 How I became a ‘Previous Taxpayer’
7 How I became ‘Prepared Thoroughly’
8 Business & Banking for ‘Proper Transactions’
9 The Mystical Magical Suit Which is ‘Preferably Teflon’
10 Freedom Begins with a ‘Private Trust’
11 The Alt-Bank Solution for ‘Preeminent Transactions’
12 Living without credit Requires being ‘Properly Trained’
13 Harmonizing law with ‘Perfect Transcendence’
14 Living free in ‘Peaceful Tranquility’
15 Conclusion:This book is ‘Prematurely Terminated’
“Harriet Tubman once claimed that she freed a thousand slaves and could have saved a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves. That quote is even more relevant today than it was in the 1800s as nearly everyone on Earth today is now a slave... and most don’t even know it. In this great book by Mark Emery he’ll open to your eyes to your own slavery and hand you the key to unlock the prison all in one fell swoop.”
- Jeff BerwickThe
Dollar Vigilante
As our Big Brother government (pick one) and its faceless, global, borderless, mega corporations combine to herd the people of the world into a digital web of surveillance, control and subjection, the flames of liberty and personal independence are being fanned like never before. In an age in which the concept of privacy is fast becoming little more than a quaint memory from our historical past, it is clear that the ‘war is on’ to dominate and control the people of the world. If we, as a free thinking independent populace intend to survive this war, we need to sharpen our acumen and skills in protecting and preserving our personal privacy and freedom.
Contrary to the global trends, strategies do still exist to achieve a level of personal freedom and privacy. Escaping the Matrix IS possible but it’s not nearly as simple or easy as it once was just a few short years ago.
This book will prove it and give you some insights you just don’t see anywhere. You’ll explore some of those strategies and concepts in depth. As you read this book, you’ll be riding shotgun as the author takes you with him around the world to experience the fun, the excitement and the success involved in being a ‘free thinker’ who had no desire in fitting into ‘the mold’.
You’ll also share some of the disappointments and failures which are ultimately necessary to forge us into the unbendable steel that we must become as we go into the world shining a light on the path to freedom and personal independence.
Much more than simply an academic study or a theoretical discussion, you’ll read about the real life experiences of the author who is a 40 year practicing PT. He has been living what most would consider a ‘dream life’ having achieved his own freedom on many levels. But this only comes after paying a significant price with regular challenges and obstacles which he had to overcome with unshakable self determination, faith and bold action.
What you’ll be reading about here is how he has done that often in ways that many could not imagine even possible let alone do-able. You’ll gain some insights, tips and strategies which you’ve never heard of before nor will you find them being discussed anywhere else for a variety of reasons.
Successful people will attest to the fact bold action, intuitive instincts and intelligence acquired from personal experience provide the fuel for making quick, correct and important decisions ‘on the fly’ with bold confidence. You’ll see examples of that in these chapters.
It is the hope and intention of the author that the result for you will be that you would gain renewed inspiration, hope and drive to get back on track to achieving your fullest God given potential with fewer if any restraints holding you down as they do now in our ‘status quo’ world.
Follow the Path!
The secret to happiness is freedom... And the secret to freedom is courage.
- Thucydides
What it’s all about
Who is really free?
Let’s start with a very important question and the answer is not as simple as you may think. A reader of mine from the USA asked me once, “Why did you leave the states to live in Latin America?” I replied, ‘Because I want to live free.” He was taken aback by the immediate and simple reply and didn’t quite know how to respond to that. Eventually he asked, “Well aren’t we free in America?” With a question like that, I didn’t even know where to begin or even ‘if’ I should begin. It would probably prove pointless.
However, for the benefit of all who are new to this concept and could use a little help, let’s discuss this for just a minute and not a second more. Let me illustrate the situation with a little story.
So the slave master tells his slaves: “I’m going to pay you $100 a month if you work hard, don’t get uppity and live a clean life and do as I say.” You can’t get married unless I say so. You can’t leave the plantation unless I say so. You can’t do anything else, unless I say so and I won’t say so unless you give $1 to the family fund..
So the first month passes and it’s time to pay his slaves. He gives each one $60. They look at each other confused. One gets up the nerve to ask, “But massa, you said you’d pay us $100. This is only $60.” Master says, I DID pay you $100, but had to deduct $40 to pay for your security around this place. I had to pay for your doctors visits. I know you didn’t see the doctor but I have to pay him anyway just so he’s ready for you when you need him. I need to pay for keeping the roads and machinery up around here so you can work and have a job and all kinds of other stuff!”
So, pressed into financial hardship the slaves had to get creative and they did a little moonlighting at night to earn something extra. They’d get paid for the moonlighting job and they put it in a jar which they hid in their cabins on the plantation. One day the Master’s foreman was inspecting the grounds and he found the jar. He informed the Master who decided to keep it.
The slaves found out and asked, “But Massa, we worked for that money. That’s ours!” The Master came back, “everything on this plantation is mine and since you didn’t report it to me or get my permission to do extra work, I’m keeping it. You should know better.”
Now, without elaborating further, please tell me how you and your relationship to your boss and government and their collection agencies are any different than what these slaves are dealing with? Is there one iota of difference? Sadly no. Do you still feel free?
You don’t own your home or your land. You only have ‘Real Estate’ which by definition is the ‘conditional’ right to use it. You do not have ownership. I
f you really owned it, why would you be paying annual ‘rent’ to the plantation owner to stay there? Stop paying ‘rent’ (real estate taxes) and see what happens. Your ‘Massa’ kicks you off of his land and takes it back. Is that ‘ownership’? Where is your title to ‘Land’? You don’t have it.
You don’t own your car. You only have a ‘certificate of title’ which is proof of private ‘title insurance’. This is not ownership. If you really own your car, how can the plantation owner force you to pay to use your own car and then take it away from you if you violate too many of his rules? Simple. You paid for it, but it’s not yours.
And get this. You don’t even own your children. If you did, how could Child Protective Services just show up at your door and take your kids on a whim, without cause whenever they like? It happens every day and it’s as dark and evil as it can be.
If you’re lucky enough to be permitted to keep your children, your little girls and boys surely will not be allowed to set up a lemonade stand in the front yard without paying the Master $45 for a commercial vendors license! And if they did, they’d surely need to report earnings and pay the Master his ‘fair share’ of the earnings. Lemonade stands across the country are being shut down to squelch any spirit of entrepreneurialism our youngsters might have at an early age.
Do these examples seem extremely ridiculous to you? Well on one hand it is extremely ridiculous that people don’t understand how the world works around them. But these are the cold hard facts and you’ll learn more as we go along so have some patience and open your mind.
So no, you are not free. But the good news is that no slave works harder than the one who ‘thinks’ he’s working freely for himself and doesn’t have a clue that he’s a slave! So at least you might be able to enjoy the illusion of freedom, well, that is until you finish reading this book!
What Its means to be a PT
Do you want your Big Brother government to dominate and control every aspect of your life, your career, your finances and your property? PTs don’t. They want to live an unfettered life of freedom and abundance to live on their terms, without any interference to fulfill their God given destiny.
The acronym ‘PT’ means different things to different people. It could represent: ‘Private Traveller’. One who travels by right and not by license. It could mean ‘Permanent Tourist’ or ‘Parked Temporarily’, one who always appears to be from somewhere else wherever he is and has a corresponding level of immunity from local ‘revenue enhancement’ laws. A ‘Person of Talent’ is one who is always learning, advancing, developing and re-inventing himself and his business and investment portfolio, Someone who is ‘Prepared Thoroughly’ has an answer to most any situation which comes up. And the famous ‘Previous Taxpayer’ needs no explanation.
Whatever label you affix to it, it represents one thing alone in every case…. Mans desire to live FREE! It is in our inborn spirit which tells us to avoid those groups, institutions and systems which seek to control our every move and instead we should live free to be true to our own self to live and to seek our own God given destiny without hindrance.
Each one of those descriptive terms represents someone who wants to, or is, living free from the interference of third party interlopers in his life. Now at first glance, if you’re not already familiar with the concept and all this is new to you, you surely have some pre-conceived notions by the mere mention of some of these terms. I urge you to put those notions aside for now and gain a better understanding of the depth and true meaning (not superficial) which is the purpose of writing this book for you.
Throughout history vast swaths of populations around the globe have been conned by leaders to give their undying allegiance, their money, their lives, their property and even their children to be sacrificed for the causes of those leaders and the purported higher values they espouse.
We can look at the same pattern appearing throughout the historical timeline as it relates to religious groups, political or national groups, fraternal groups, tribal or ethnic groups and the list goes on. And in each and every case, the ‘subject volunteer’ makes great personal sacrifice to advance ‘the group’. What is the end result? 9 times out of 10 it ends in war, death and/or desolation. The 1 time out of 10 which is the ‘aberration’, the ‘subject volunteer’ is lucky to only suffer complete subjugation (lighter but effective forms of modern slavery) to the will of the group or the leader(s). Anyone who expresses any form of independent or critical thinking which doesn’t conform to the ‘group think’ doctrine is punished severely or at best, vilified and outcast.
Let me prove this to you right now.
We all know that everyone must pay their (income) taxes, right? Everyone must pay their fair share! ‘It’s the law’!, they cry. It’s common knowledge, right? Anyone who doesn’t is scoffed at and ridiculed. Am I right? Then, as the story goes, they end up being punished severely with financial penalties, social exile, possible criminal charges and even jail time because everyone sitting in the jury box (not ‘peers’ by any stretch of the imagination) all pay their “fair share” of taxes and Lord knows, ‘that’s just the way it is’. (note: a jury of slaves will never let a free man go!)
Now, having established the common ‘Group Think Syndrome’ everything I mentioned above which most people ‘believe’ …is a complete ‘Con Job’. It’s a confidence game which is perpetuated by the money powers to prop up their fraudulent system of domination and control (see my other books) . Through the propaganda of their institutions, controlled media and the collusion by the strongmen in the corrupt courts (collection agencies), they’ve perpetuated the con, enforced it and to this day people still overwhelmingly either believe it or at least conform due to ‘fear’.
I’ve proven that it’s a con. I’m living the alternative reality (in truth and law). I’ll tell you more about the details later. Thankfully, many people are waking up to the fact that nearly everything we’ve been taught growing up is a lie. You’ll understand better as we continue. Read on.
In these days of public education, media manipulation of the truth and the resulting social pressure, finding people with the capacity for independent critical thinking is sadly becoming extremely rare. The social engineers have done a masterful job in turning the masses into lobotomized zombies. And on that subject, have you noticed in recent years the fascination with Zombie movies, video games, toys and other ways the ‘Zombie’ culture has been promoted, glorified and inserted into our society? They’d have you believe that being a Zombie is ‘Cool’! And it’s clear to see how that is happening. The social engineering is working.
After living abroad for some time, I returned to the states for a family visit. In my room I turned on the TV. I was absolutely stunned to see that every third ad on TV was for Big Pharma. In a 60 second ad they’d show an older couple frolicking with the family living the good life because they were on the designer drug of choice. This was the first 20 seconds. Then the remaining 40 seconds of the ad was a litany of side effects you should be wary of just in case you don’t end up living the life of bliss this couple in the ad was living! “Some people have experienced chemical lobotomy, heart attack, stroke, bleeding from the eyes, nose and all orifices and/or have experienced extreme and prolonged diarrhea with uncontrollable bowels. But never mind that, “Ask your doctor if this might be for you!”
Add to that the fluoridation of the water, the chemical and GMO poisoning of our food, chem-trails, public education and the leftist takeover (communist Chinese groups) of the university system which is indoctrinating helpless students on the wonders of ‘socialism’ and who are taught to look up to their teachers and not question ‘the narrative’ from a young age. Is it any wonder that we are surrounded by zombies!?
A wise individual will always look with skepticism and critical analysis upon any request for his time, money, devotion or allegiance and support to any cause, country, e
mperor, ruler, guru, nation, society or religion. I’m not saying we shouldn’t give of ourselves. We should! Jesus is our example. But we should give to each other personally and when some group comes along waving a banner, we need to look very closely with a critical eye rather than just following blindly.
Here’s a good example. People give blindly to the Red Cross and have for years. We see horrific images of suffering on TV of the latest hurricane victims and we send money to help. Little do you know that your donation is likely to be used for the reserve blanket supply in Hawaii and will never reach the Caribbean hurricane victims you intended to help. Do some research on the Red Cross scam. Take a look at the salaries of the executives and ask yourself if there’s any better scam in existence? It’ll be an eye opener. I don’t give to Red Cross anymore.
But the point is, the astute individual who can think for himself and doesn’t just fall in line with the fashionable ‘group think syndrome’ or propaganda of the moment will likely be looked at as a ‘threat’ to the power structure or the ‘narrative’ of the leaders or whatever group, and be vilified or cast out.
This is how our world works and is why ‘Critical Thinkers’ are so rare. ‘Conformity’ is now the highest form of morality. Individuality and the rejection of ‘group values’ are a toxic poison to the social engineers and are the cause of some of the most severe punishments. I’m personally fascinated by the history of the ‘Cathars’. You’ve likely never heard of them. Look it up for a fascinating history lesson. Hint: How did the ‘Inquisition’ come about?
So, for the PT, he has rejected society’s mold which is: get a degree, get a job, get a family with responsibility to tie you down, go into debt, file your taxes, pay your fees and fines, get permission to get married, get permission to travel to work, get permission to fix your gutters, pay for those permissions and pay more if you don’t! Then pay for a car but never own it, pay three times the price of your house, but never own it, Be a debt slave the rest of your life and come into the corral like everyone else where you will likely die close to destitute so your progeny will have no inheritance and thus have no choice other than to follow in your footsteps into dependence and servitude.