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Living Free as a PT Page 11

  J: “So how do you live? How do you support yourself?”

  Me: : “I live by the grace of God. Thank you for your concern. And you?

  J. : Bailiff please see Mr. Mark out. You are free to go!

  I’m just a sojourning pauper. No permanent residence, no job, no ties. And for that reason most of the rest of the world has no interest in me! I trust that the above needs no further explanation.

  Yes, I know you have a thousand questions. What about this? What about that? These are all things we can deal with in the Lighthouse Law Club. The list is far too lengthy to address here.

  The subject of trusts, privacy and asset protection is a fascinating one. Volumes have been written and we have some of the most detailed, best researched, legally supported and hard to find treatises on the subject anywhere. Suffice it to say that it would be impossible to give the subject proper treatment here. But if this intrigues you, check the appendix for references to additional material you can start boning up on right away.

  “Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy. The savage’s whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free from men.”

  - Ayn Rand


  The Alt-Bank Solution for ‘Preeminent transactions’

  So now we’ve already discussed many of the practical issues (problems) we have in dealing with banks. Let me take it a step further and say without reservation or equivocation: “The debt based modern banking and monetary systems are the greatest evil that this world faces. They are the direct cause of scarcity, poverty, war, strife and the subjugation of national sovereignty where national governments work against the interests of their own people.” And if you don’t agree, you have some homework to do.

  The Big Picture

  Whereas in the days of yore, when conquest required large armies and treasuries, these days the banking system is the new weapon being used to conquer entire nations. Armies are no longer needed. We can look to the practices of the IMF, the World Bank and the Central Banks around the world to see how debt is the new weapon of choice to subdue entire nations and their people.

  Just for the record let me give you a current example to illustrate my point. The example is Greece. Here’s some background from Wikipedia:

  “Greece joined the European Communities (subsequently subsumed by the European Union) on 1 January 1981, ushering in a period of sustained growth. Widespread investments in industrial enterprises and heavy infrastructure, as well as funds from the European Union and growing revenues from tourism, shipping and a fast-growing service sector raised the country’s standard of living to unprecedented levels. The country adopted the Euro in 2001 and over the next 7 years the country’s GDP per capita more than doubled, from $13,070 in 2001 to $28,660 in 2008. The Greek government, encouraged by the European Commission, European Central Bank, private banking institutions, and the Greek business community also took out loans to pay Greek and foreign infrastructure companies for a wide variety of infrastructure projects such as those related to the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens.

  Government deficits were also consistently underreported. As the Financial crisis of 2007-08 began to affect Greece’s economy, the country’s GDP stagnated between 2008 to 2010 and the government’s capacity to repay its creditors was drastically reduced.”

  So Greece (and most all other countries) was encouraged to take on loads of debt premised on the basis of a fast growing economy. This was the seduction. ‘Things are good! Take the money!’

  Any student taking economics 101 will tell you that all economies go through cycles and the boom years don’t last forever. The central bankers knew this. They took Econ 101 (most politicians haven’t). So they loaded up Greece with debt which eventually they couldn’t pay as soon as the cycle turned.

  Faced with default they were forced to the negotiation (spanking) table with its creditors where they were forced to take a ‘deal’. The deal went like this, “We’ll bail you out of your current crisis with a new and/or re-structured debt, BUT you have to implement severe austerity measures which will hurt your people and further depress your economy (so we can get paid instead) AND you have to give us your infrastructure. We want your ports, electric and all energy production, transportation systems, hospitals, etc. etc. The bankers then control the country and profits which would otherwise be going into private industry and economic growth or even government coffers to help it’s people or pay back debt is now being siphoned away from the people and into the bankers pockets.

  It’s then no surprise that Greece is now in a ‘worse’ situation and it’s only a matter of time before the economy collapses under the debt. The bankers foreclose on ‘everything’ and have total control.

  You see how this works? Using this method of national takeover, call it a ‘soft coup’ the European Central Bank, World Bank and IMF virtually control all of the developing countries and several of the developed ones.

  Central Banks vs. National Banks

  The same thing has already happened in the USA. Let me explain to help those who may be somehow unaware.

  The founding fathers had intended for the USA to have a national treasury (controlled ultimately by the people) which would create and control the money supply (real money not ‘debt notes’). The plan was for money to be created as an asset and ledgered and then ‘spent’ into circulation via public works projects and programs. This is a simplistic description but valid nonetheless.

  After various failed attempts, the money powers of the world were able to establish a private and foreign ‘central bank’ in the USA which was untouchable and outside the confines and reach of the government. This central bank would then take over the nation through its vast influence and tentacles of monetary control.

  Here’s how that worked:

  The Federal Reserve Bank does not ‘spend’ money into circulation. It is a debt based system and money is ‘lent’ into circulation with interest.

  Consider the Fed as a private family business, which is what it is. So this family business can now ‘print’ as much of the debt based currency (federal reserve notes) as it desires, or even better, just create digits on the computer and ‘lends’ these electronic digits, or paper notes whereby the recipient needs to pay back full face value PLUS interest.

  So let’s say this is your business. Your family can print a $100 bill for 2.5 cents or $0.025. You lend it to your neighbor, who now has to pay you back $100 PLUS interest. If he doesn’t pay you back, you take his house or whatever he owns. (get the concept, not the math)

  Now here’s the catch. You are pumping out $100 bills like crazy! This is a fantastic business with unheard of profits. The only fiat currency in circulation is the actual face value of the notes circulated. If everyone were to pay back their loan at once, where does the fiat currency to pay the interest come from? It doesn’t because it doesn’t exist. Only the face value of the notes in circulation exists. The only way for debtors to pay their loans back, is to borrow more debt. Remember Greece?

  So what this means, in very simple terms, is that it is a mathematical certainty that a certain portion of the population MUST fail financially because there is not enough currency in circulation to pay all the debt on the books. So a fixed amount of financial failure is programmed into the system. Whatever happened to ‘The Land of Opportunity?’

  So meanwhile, in addition to the astronomical cash profits your family business has been making, you now start accumulating a lot of assets as you foreclose on the failed loans.

  And because you have a nifty deal with the government of the United States where they borrow trillions from you, you need some collateral to back up all this debt, right?

  So in order for the United States to be able to put up some collateral as in: ‘the full faith and credit of the United States’ they pull a trick on
Americans who are state citizens and not yet US Citizens which by legal definition only includes the ten square miles of Washington D.C. and its territories, forts, docks and arsenals, as you know now.

  They offer these Americans certain incentives and benefits to cross over to the new jurisdiction. To get those benefits, these Americans have to volunteer/admit/lie that they are US Citizens when they sign the application forms and without telling anybody about the trick, everyone thinks they’re just a US Citizen and always have been, never really knowing the difference, the truth or knowing what is happening.

  So now, without ever realizing it, your labor, your property, your family’s future has become the property (collateral) to back up the ‘full faith and credit of the United States’. When the private U.S. government corporation borrows trillions, wastes trillions and loses trillions of the money they got from the Fed family business they don’t worry about paying it back because they have you, your labor and everything you own as collateral which gets them off the hook with the Fed.

  Now when the entire system collapses and goes into default, and it’s a mathematical certainty that it will, and probably sooner than later, guess who owns everything you ever worked for your entire life? Whoever it is, it’s NOT YOU! How does that feel?

  Now, this is programmed servitude and destruction. Can you honestly tell me that this is not evil?

  So back to the family business: the family is now acquiring so much wealth it starts buying up the means of production, moving it overseas to make greater profits from slave labor and leaving millions of workers at home unemployed which increases foreclosures and the assets on the balance sheet. The economy dips and everyone suffers.

  It starts buying up the media companies and forming media conglomerates which the family can now control to condition the masses to its way of thinking.

  It starts buying up the banks, brokers, exchanges and financial services companies and it can now ‘rig’ the financial markets for favorable financial and political results. It can buy up shipping & transportation companies. Agricultural production can be consolidated into massive corporate farms putting the family farmer out of business and destroying personal independence.

  The wealth can be spread around and used to influence what’s being taught in schools and universities. It can be used to acquire the main producers in the pharmaceutical industry and with control of the media and medical associations that they have, they can push drugs on everyone to make them passive, detached and dependent.

  And with this consolidated wealth and control, comes political influence where the family business can now control local, state and national legislative and judicial organs which can pass laws favoring the ‘family business’ and put any competitors or challengers ‘out of business’ by hook or by crook.

  Since they make many billions from ‘cancer research’ projects and drugs, actual cancer cures are suppressed. The money is in the ‘treatments’ and not the cure. That’s where the money is. If you start curing people they don’t need to buy drugs and that’s not the plan.

  If the central bankers want to create a bubble in real estate or the stock market and inflate prices, they’ll just flood the market with new money and with these easy money policies, people have money to spend from cheap credit and prices will go up and the family can rake in huge profits when they sell their holdings at the highest prices. They do this before they tighten monetary policy and crash the markets.

  But still, with the crash they can collect more assets and just mop up from foreclosures and buy assets for pennies on the dollar. To do this they just raise the interest rates and tighten money supply to slow the economy and put additional financial stress on debtors. This accelerates defaults and they can then pick up millions of properties and other collateral which goes into default and thus they benefit immensely from the misery of others! Heads, we win! Tails, You lose!

  And here we are. Welcome to today’s globalism brought to you by the fine folks in the family business called THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK and other central bankers near you!

  So now you should fully understand my opening statement about the evils of the bankers, banking and the monetary system. You can learn more on this subject on the YouTube channel for the Lighthouse Law Club. I have an entire playlist entitled, RUN BANKERS RUN! Check it out.

  So, what do we do about it? Read on.

  The Solution

  The solution couldn’t be simpler. Pull out of the banking system and start using alternatives. Pull out of the tax collection system by re-asserting your original status as a natural born creature of God aka John-Millhouse: Doe and not the debtor of a cestui-que-vie trust, artificial entity, aka U.S. Citizen, aka JOHN DOE.

  I trust that you likely understand what I just said, if not, don’t get hung up on it. You’ll learn soon enough if you follow the breadcrumbs. So what are the alternatives?

  The alternative to using fiat currency which is a continually losing buying power as a ‘depreciating’ asset due to inflation and taxes is to start using ‘appreciating’ assets to hold, store and spend your value. If you get paid in fiat currency, immediately convert it to alternative assets which will at least hold their valued have a good chance to appreciate. These would be; precious metals, food production, useful capital equipment, low cost properties which can produce rental income and even a basket of value based crypto currencies. You get the idea.

  For U.S. passport holders the alternative to being a U.S. Citizen is to learn to revert to your original status as an ‘American’ or state citizen or simply ‘bug out’ and find another more suitable passport to use. The same holds true for other nationalities.

  The alternative to being under the thumb of the tax collectors is to;

  a) Set the record straight using the law in your favor to establish your good faith and compliance with the law and stop the tax collectors in their tracks with their illegal activities. We do this routinely.

  b) Quit your ‘J.O.B.’ and learn to profit from your own business. If that’s not possible or desirable for any reason, then learn to create an alter ego in a parallel existence where you minimize your personal profile in the status quo world of mediocrity and stress so that your ‘alter ego’ can then flourish without all the limitations that you endure personally.

  The alternative to taking on full personal responsibility and liability to all the compelled performance statutes is to cancel all contracts made in your personal name and start conducting your affairs through private trusts and business structures. Drop off the radar.

  Another approach to this is to make a claim on the financial instruments created by your cestui-que-vie trust (JOHN DOE) and learn to be the creditor and not the debtor. This is a deep subject which I won’t address here but there are solutions.

  How do I pull out of the banking system?

  Yes, you receive checks, you have to cash them, pay bills, use debit and credit cards etc.

  There are ways to do all of that without using a local bank.

  There are also ways of using a local bank account which is not in your name.

  Now, whether you completely pull out of the banking system, or reduce your exposure, or simply restructure your current banking arrangements to get your name off the records is something you’ll need to determine for yourself. Everyone’s needs are different. We’re not saying everyone just needs to close all accounts and walk away. That would not be advisable for most people.

  But let me paint a general scenario for you;

  What if you closed your personal accounts to remove all exposure to disclosures, seizures, garnishments and other forms of distraint and eliminate the concealed contracts hidden in your account opening agreements which exist with the US or NATION STATE who claims you as ‘theirs’?

  What if you replaced that personal account with a business account in the name of an LLC or Private Trust and it had its own E
IN (Employer Identification Number)?

  What if you only used that account to pay monthly bills and receive payments for your business/services and then other excess amounts not otherwise needed for monthly operations was sent to a safer and more private account without leaving a direct trail?

  Let’s say that the ‘Private Account’ was held in trust, managed by a professional, licensed trustee and when the trustee received the transfer of fiat currency, he could convert the fiat currency into a complete portfolio of ‘alternative assets’ according to your instructions.

  What if the private account was in the name of a private trust, managed by the trustee and the asset portfolio, whatever it is, small or large, was domestic and international and not subject to any disclosure requirements or legal processes in your home country?

  What if the trustee operated in such a way in which he/they were not subject to most forms of taxation and the trust corpus could grow entirely tax free?

  What if all or part of the trust corpus could be held in precious metals in a private, non-bank, insured Swiss or Hong Kong vault and you had a debit card you could use to convert the gold holdings to spendable cash whenever you needed it for business expenses?

  What if the trustees were in 4 different offshore jurisdictions the trust was in a 5th, the banking was in the 6th, 7th and 8th and assets were potentially held in the 9th and 10th or 11th depending on the size and nature of the portfolio? Would that be easy pickings for some lawsuit happy freeloader or bureau-rat with an over-inflated ego?

  Wow! Put all of those ‘What ifs’ together and you’d have a pretty fantastic dream wouldn’t you? Most would simply call it a far reaching fantasy and for all practical intents and purposes based on what’s available from the status quo, they’d be right! Pure fantasy.

  Pssst. Pssst! (in a whisper) come here! I have something for you…. It’s not a dream and it’s not a fantasy. It’s a real situation and we know people doing this.