Free Novel Read

Living Free as a PT Page 10

  Then there is ‘legislative code’ which is created by governmental bodies (man). This ‘code’ always operates on the corporate level. Corporate governance only applies to the directors, shareholders, beneficiaries and others who are contracted to the corporation. Are you starting to see the picture?

  People often complain to officials, in court or elsewhere, ‘I have rights! You’re violating my rights’ Well, when you’re dealing with the corporation, I’m sorry to tell you but ‘No you don’t’ have rights. You are subject to the contract and you are in the jurisdiction of the corporation. The corporation does not recognize your natural law rights. It only recognizes the terms of the contract, mostly which are hidden and you don’t even know about, so stop screaming for your rights when you don’t even understand the nature of the venue which you are in.

  In the USA it is clearly established law that each of the several states of the union are foreign corporations as they relate to the UNITED STATES federal government corporation which is exclusively the ten miles square of the District of Columbia, its territories, military bases, docks, arsenals and ceded enclaves. So if you were born in the District of Columbia, congratulations! You are a U.S. Citizen!

  What? You weren’t born in D.C. and you were born among the several states? Then how did you get to be a U.S. corporate citizen?

  Here’s how: You contracted to receive benefits from U.S. Inc. and in the process of applying for benefits, you had to admit or vow that you are a U.S. Citizen when in fact you weren’t. It’s called ‘fraudulent inducement’ based on ‘lack of full disclosure’. They tricked you and sucked you in!

  What benefits did you apply for?

  A job with the government or military

  Social Security

  FDIC insurance when you opened a bank account

  Government guaranteed loan of any kind.

  US Passport

  And so many others, just to name a few.

  For our non-USA readers, I’ll be using the USA as an example here but the concept applies to all nation states globally. The operation of law is the same. You have been converted from your state of natural law and God-given rights and blessings to one of ‘corporate beneficiary and serf’.

  Now, when we previously discussed the banking and finance legislation such as FATCA, FBAR and related intrusive legislation which all violate the natural person’s right to privacy, who does that legislation apply to in the USA? Yep. U.S. Citizens!

  So, with that understanding let’s cut to the chase. People are learning about the fraud and it’s being exposed. The best news is that a growing number of alert and awake freedom lovers are learning how to ‘correct the record’.

  Here’s one example for illustration:

  One man that I’m aware of has recently completed the process of correcting the record with the U.S. State Department, as it relates to his passport. This basically amounts to applying for a new passport to replace one previously issued in error (incorrect status) and rather than signing the application as a ‘U.S. Citizen’, he submits the application as a ‘Texan’, born and raised upon the land in the geographical boundaries of Texas state (not THE STATE OF TEXAS which is a fiction/corporation).

  This is an American man (not ‘person’) who is native to one of the several states which is, by law, foreign to THE UNITED STATES corporation and thus he is not a U.S. Citizen. With his application for the passport he includes a detailed ‘Explanatory Statement’ which is a memorandum of law which supports his position.

  The Department of State accepts the application for passport on those (his) terms, they accept his fee and it now becomes a matter of contract and permanent record that this man is a ‘Texan’ and NOT a U.S. Citizen.

  The man’s application paperwork is ‘the offer’. When the Department of State issues the passport based on the offer, they have ‘accepted the offer’. The fees the man pays are the ‘legal consideration’ which supports what is now ‘the contract’. THE UNITED STATES is now bound by contract to honor and respect this man’s legal status and not impose obligations they would otherwise impose on their own U.S. Citizens.

  This is confirmed by documentation he receives when he does a FOIA request (Freedom of Information Act) for his files on permanent record with the U.S. State Department.

  Do you see how beautiful it is to understand the operation of law and how it can work for you?

  So this American state, non-U.S. citizen tries to open a foreign bank account with his U.S. passport. The bank does the usual and presents him with the FATCA paperwork to complete and sign which is required of all U.S. Citizens.

  He shows the bank his State Department files confirming that he is in fact and in law a ‘Texan-American’ and NOT a U.S. Citizen and once the bank understands this properly they then happily allow him to proceed with his account opening process WITHOUT the FATCA paperwork.

  Chalk up a victory to the successful, well informed PT!

  For those who might be skeptical let me just say that the explanatory statement which accompanies the modified passport application is an 11 page legal memorandum.

  Here are just 3 U.S. Federal Court citations used in that memorandum which might help clarify your thinking;

  “A person who is a citizen of the United States (Federal government; Fourteenth Amendment citizen) is necessarily a citizen of the particular state in which he resides. But a person may be a citizen of a particular state and not a citizen of the United States (Federal government; Fourteenth Amendment citizen). To hold otherwise would be to deny to the state the highest exercise of its sovereignty, - the right to declare who are its citizens.”

  - [State v. Fowler, 41 La. Ann. 380]

  [6 S. 602 (1889), emphasis added]

  It is quite clear, then, that there is a citizenship of the United States (Federal government; Fourteenth Amendment citizen) and a citizenship of a State, which are distinct from each other and which depend upon different characteristics or circumstances in the individual.

  - [Slaughter House Cases, 83 U.S. 36] [(1873) emphasis added]

  “There is a distinction between citizenship of the United States (Federal government; Fourteenth Amendment citizen) and citizenship of a particular state, and a person may be the former without being the latter.”

  - [Alla v. Kornfeld, 84 F.Supp. 823]

  So now, in view of the above are you starting to think about arranging for your new Magical, Mystical Teflon Suit? Mine is pretty comfortable!


  Freedom begins with a ‘private trust’

  Up to this point everything we’ve covered is almost meaningless if you don’t have a rock solid financial fortress as a base of operation. This chapter deals with just such a piece which is critical on your strategic chessboard.

  We’ve talked about your teflon suit, your legal status and positioning in the 5 flag strategy and related concepts. All that is quite important but if you don’t have an exempt and impenetrable vehicle to receive, hold and build upon the fruits of your labor, your heritage, legacy and future estate, then it’s all for naught.

  This short chapter will not be a training on such subject matter but will introduce you to the key concepts with which you would be wise to continue your study and take the proper action to implement a plan using those concepts as your guide.

  There are trusts. And there are ‘trusts’. They sound the same. They look similar. They’re spelled the same. But there is a world of difference.

  One type is recognized, dealt with and treated in the statutory jurisprudence of most legal jurisdictions. It has specific legal characteristics and functions which make it just another form of legal creature created by, regulated and controlled by the corporate state government.

  The other type has been a closely held secret used by the Super Rich to manage their wealth in such a way as to be literally untouchable an
d free from the constraints of regulation, taxation, intrusion, inspection, disclosure and/or legal processes.

  The uninformed or ‘institutionally educated’ will scoff at that idea and deny even the possibility of such an animal existing so let me present an example of its existence and power for you, right up front.

  Nelson Rockefeller served as the 41st Vice President of the United States from 1974 to 1977. The Senate Subcommittee investigating Nelson Rockefeller’s financial disclosures before his approval as vice-presidential candidate notes for the record:

  “Due to the complexity and lack of legal means necessary under law to secure in-depth records of the Rockefeller estate, nor having the powers to abridge the right of contract, we must assume that the $218,000,000 figure is accurate.”

  - The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen, 1976

  So ask yourself this: “How is it that the senate subcommittee would lack the legal means necessary to secure the in depth records of the Rockefeller estate to verify the information on his disclosure forms?”

  And then further, “How would his privacy be protected by ‘the right of contract’ which the Senate subcommittee cannot abridge?”

  The answer is simple. He was using one of the secret trusts used by the Super Rich (and The Lighthouse Law Club).

  Why is it ‘secret’? Because of course it’s not taught in law school nor is it in practical use by the general public or anyone in the professional community aside from those very few ‘in the know’ and who ‘have a need’ internally for their

  very special clients. This information is not generally known ‘on the street’. If it were, the legal profession would be in danger of extinction because people wouldn’t need attorneys to untangle the mess of the statutory codes which complicate peoples’ lives and which don’t apply to these secret trusts.

  Further, government revenues would dry up overnight if everyone were ‘tax exempt’ as this legal animal is.

  You can see why it’s a ‘secret’ and when others in the mainstream see such an animal they laugh, scoff, ridicule and will tell you that it’s invalid and not worth the paper it’s written on or worse, that you’ll get into serious trouble for using one. Oh really? Since when did ‘contracts’ become ‘illegal’? Nice try. Enough said.

  I have copies of signed letters from the IRS stating, to paraphrase in part;

  “Dear Taxpayer,

  We cannot process your application for an Employer Identification Number. (These) trust organizations have no tax requirements therefore an E.I.N. is not required. ….”

  And to further understand this important point, let me share with you an excerpt from ‘TAX FREE HOW THE SUPER RICH DO IT’ by Don L. Wood and First America Research:


  “Periodic and always interesting lists of the so-called “Super Rich” frequently appear. Yet, when consulted for certain names, we find they are omitted or that the wealth reported is far less than believable. Who, then, are the truly Super Rich? They are the ones who are unimpressed by such lists.

  Most if not all of their riches and property are privately held and not subject to discovery. They use a reclusive business vehicle affording complete privacy yet they enjoy absolute power to control their financial affairs.

  The famed columnist, Jack Anderson, has some interesting insight on this subject: “We have had access to secret tax filings by members of our wealthiest families, the Mellons, the Rockefellers, the Hunts and others. Their returns have one thing in common. Each of the families has had millionaire members, who from time to time, have paid no income tax at all. And almost all of them regularly pay only a fraction of the tax their incomes would require were it not for loopholes.

  Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, for example, paid no federal income tax in 1970. His brother, John D. Rockefeller III, pays a 10 per cent federal tax as a matter of personal principle. Apparently, he can manipulate his tax exemptions to produce whatever tax return he feels is appropriate. Paul Mellon, worth a cool one ‘billion dollars, is able to get away with negligible income tax, as do other members of his fabulously rich family. And Texas oil millionaire Bunker Hunt has managed to live in luxury without paying any taxes at all in several years.

  We do not single them out for criticism. They have made use of the law


  So imagine for a minute having your home, business, savings, investments, retirement and other important assets owned, not by you, but by a legal entity which was positioned so that legal predators, as the Senate subcommittee was quoted saying in Rockefeller’s case, ‘lacked the legal means necessary to secure in depth records…’ or to snoop or find out anything about those assets whatsoever.

  Imagine having your business and investments growing nicely without any tax liability. When you factor in the compounding effect of new found capital when anywhere from 15% to 35% or more is not being siphoned off the top every year, the difference is astronomical over time.

  And please, don’t even think of giving me the most ignorant and asinine comment, “Well that’s not patriotic. Everyone must pay their fair share!” If you think this way then please, just stop reading this book right now and throw it in the trash because this is not for you!

  While you’re at it, do a quick internet search for ‘$21 Trillion missing’. Ask yourself how much did your family sacrifice as you contributed ‘your fair share’ to this stolen money? And we won’t even bring up the long list of other morally objectionable expenditures that ‘your fair share’ supports.

  If you want to play the morality card, OK then let’s play it. When you know your tax dollars are supporting; illegal wars, black ops, the surveillance state, FEMA death camps, weaponized weather machines, baby killing factories, directed energy weapons, satanic education in the schools, toxic vaccines, graft, pet projects for the politicos, people who don’t want to work, foreigners who enter illegally and expect you to pay for their apartments with big screen TVs, and the list goes on, you are voluntarily, knowingly and willfully complicit with evil. There is no way around it. So my question to you is, “Why do you knowingly support evil?”

  I’ll tell you what ‘my fair share is’: I work hard to make not so much for me and my family. I do 100% of the work and my fair share of that is 100% which benefits me, my family, my community and my pet projects. When I keep 100% of the fruits of my labor I have a little extra I can spread around to help others who really need it and where it can really have a positive impact on this world.

  Government has so much hidden, stolen money, they don’t even need to collect taxes. They do so only to continue the ‘ruse’ by perpetuating the premise that ‘they need it to provide roads (and other B.S.) and cover up the fact that they’ve already stolen more than one can accurately count. Do some research on the C.A.F.R.s, (the Combined Annual Financial Reports) and that’ll open your eyes.

  So I’m going to keep my fair share of the fruits of my work and my fair share is 100%. You do what you want with yours. Support evil if you like but don’t pull this ‘morality’ or ‘patriotic duty’ play on me because it doesn’t fly.

  So the key to wealth building and asset protection is so simple, I’ll give it to you right here in one simple phrase:

  Learn to be a Pauper on Paper,

  And Live Like a King!

  So when they haul you into court by the scruff of your neck and throw you down onto the table in front of the judge and they force you to fill out a financial statement of personal net worth you can honestly list under penalty of perjury;


  Used Computer

  $ 500


  A couple of dirty shirts.

  $ 30


bsp; An old dog with vet bills

  $ ?


  A used pickup.



  Checking account

  $ 100

  The ‘Private Trust’ is not ‘yours’ as you don’t ‘own it’ and while it may have a nice round figure of assets under management with a decent cash flow, again, ‘It’s not yours’. It is a separate legal entity and the judge “does not have the legal means to secure in depth records…” remember?

  So being a pauper on paper has its advantages. And when public records reflect that you own nothing of value, how many predatory freeloaders with greedy attorneys do you think will want to sue you looking for a free meal ticket?

  Got it? Simple enough.

  Now, the fact that the Private Trust is able to provide you a palatial home and send you to ‘business events’ around the world and provide a nice company car and debit card for expenses as support for your services makes your lifestyle ‘bearable’ for a guy with a personal net worth of only around $2000. I think you are starting to see the picture.

  I was in court in front of a judge once and she was trying to establish jurisdiction by asking me some questions to get me to admit I was a resident ‘subject’.

  It went like this.

  Judge (J): “Where do you reside?”

  Me : “I don’t have a permanent residence. I’m a sojourning pilgrim traveling throughout God’s beautiful kingdom.”

  J. : “So Mr. Mark where are you employed?

  Me: I’m not employed. I’m not unemployed. I’m not employable. That’s not what I do.