Living Free as a PT Page 13
In view of that, let me share with you a little research I put together which I think you might appreciate. It is intended to be the basis to put public servants, court officials etc. on notice of ‘foreign status’ and it uses a mix of biblical scripture to reference my law and the statutory code to reference the law which binds them in their official capacity. Amazingly my law also binds them in their personal capacity. Read this and be thinking about harmony and frequencies.
Affidavit - Declaration of Status
Know ye, to all whom shall come upon me or consider the essence of whom you are dealing with, that I :
Marcus Edwin Orelius
…being duly appointed to my mission (22 USC § 254) as an Ambassador from the Embassy of Heaven under the guidance and direction of our Lord Jesus the Christ, and being recognized and protected as an Ambassador for a Sovereign Kingdom foreign to the UNITED STATES, the STATE OF COLORADO, and/or any of their/its subdivisions, pursuant to UNITED STATES Public Law 97-280 found at 96 Statutes at Large 1211 (sessions laws), which gives official recognition and deference by the UNITED STATES to my Sovereign, HIS laws and jurisdiction and subsequently by the United States Congress passing Public Law 79-291 the International Organizations Immunities Act which further recognizes the inherent status and immunity which travels with me, I do hereby affirm under the penalties of bearing false witness, the following facts to be true, complete, correct and not misleading and that I am of legal age and sound mind, to wit;
As Ambassador appointed by my Sovereign as per, among others, Rev. 1:6, Ex 19:6, Isa 61:6, II Cor.: 5:20;
I am appointed to my station as a sojourner upon the land/kingdom created by my sovereign (the entirety of earth), traveling through this territory/state/nation on a temporary basis and I do not have a permanent residence.
I do not ‘reside’ in nor do I ‘do business’ or ‘vote’ in THE STATE OF COLORADO
I am not employed, I am not un-employed and I am not employable under the general usages of those terms as I am not engaged in commerce.
I derive no benefit or franchise from the UNITED STATES or the STATE OF COLORADO and thus have no contractual entanglements.
I have no income or property situated in, or derived from the STATE OF COLORADO or the UNITED STATES.
I am not engaged in commercial transport for hire in the STATE OF COLORADO and thus have no driver license, nor is one required from those with diplomatic status.
I have no Social Security number and again am not engaged in commerce.
That in addition to my exempt status as Ambassador, being a sojourner upon the land, passing through and not being ‘resident in’, nor ‘doing business in’ the STATE OF COLORADO, the automobile I use is not eligible to be ‘registered’ as other commercial vehicles are for state residents. The law does not provide for registration of non-commercial vehicles by non-residents who are not licensed nor engaged in business in the STATE OF COLORADO and it cannot be held to those standards by law. The law does not require the impossible. The identification plates used are self explanatory and exempt. The vehicle is registered in the Embassy of Heaven registry for public safety with the number: 123456789
I offer no surety, nor am I guarantor for any other entity or person whether they be real or fictitious.
I am prepared to provide a complete memorandum of law upon request on the above, for clarity of the issues, rights and responsibilities of any or all parties involved, or wishing to be involved with me.
The above is true. Correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and further this affiant sayeth naught, on this the ____ day of ____ in the year of our Lord, 2018 A.D.
Marcus Edwin Orelius – Ambassador at Large
Embassy of Heaven, Kingdom of Jesus the Christ Seal
Notice & Demand
This information is intended for all public servants for ‘THE STATE’ in whatever Department or subdivision you might represent. This is a good faith notice of status in accordance with the law which you are subject to. Your law prescribes some very specific limitations on the authority you might try to exert and I present you with this Fair Notice in good faith to help you avoid creating any personal liability for damages which might ensue from your misapplication of the law, as it relates to me.
I hereby respectfully remind you to honor your responsibility to the law and your contract (oath of office) and leave me unhindered to proceed in peace according to my mission and mandate.
With that, I wish you peace and many blessings.
So then we have the ‘Memorandum of Law in Support’ bringing up the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act.
Memorandum of Law in Support of
‘Affidavit & Declaration of Status’as
Ambassador under Foreign Law
This memorandum is the fundamental baseline upon which I, Marcus Edwin Orelius, adhere to and conduct myself in my personal affairs and official duties as Ambassador for the Embassy of Heaven, on behalf of my Sovereign which is ‘foreign law’ to the UNITED STATES, the STATES and their political subdivisions.
This memorandum and its contents, being public knowledge available to everyone everywhere, merely serves as a reminder and that these matters and this document are self authenticating and are ‘res judicata’.
Governing Law & Sovereignty:
There can only be one absolute sovereign and king. Samuel Adams, one of the founding fathers of the united States of America said, “Sovereignty is a theological word, not a political one.” He objected to the use of the word in the political arena and he did so rightly because only God is sovereign. There is nothing else nor anyone else who can claim that status legitimately. Thus, ‘the state’ cannot claim this authority of sovereignty and it must serve the one true sovereign which is the kingdom which I serve and to which I owe allegiance.
Timothy 6:15, ‘….He is the blessed and only potentate, the king of kings.’
Psalm 75:6-7 ‘For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge, he putteth down one and setteth up another.’
Proverbs 8:15-16, ‘By me, kings reign and princes decree justice, by me princes rule, and nobles, even all judges of the earth.’
God created all creatures and all men have equal standing before God. None can rule over others by ‘divine right’, by ‘compelled performance statutes’ nor by ‘threat’ of force or imprisonment.
Galatians 5:1, ‘Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage,’ (i.e. indentured servitude, debt slaves, chattel and/or guarantors, debtors & sureties for any ‘persons’)
I, along with my brothers and sisters, are children of the Most High. Our service is to a much higher authority than that of earthly kingdoms. And since we cannot serve two masters, (Matthew 6:24, Luke 16:13) my Affidavit and Declaration of Status reflects whom I serve and the laws I must obey which are of a jurisdiction which is unique and exclusive to any other. Therefore, based upon the facts and my willful election of the applicable law, I am not a ‘person’ to be subject to, or regulated by, the state.
Men (the state) cannot give rights. All government can do is to recognize and secure those rights ordained by God. Therefore, I issue this…
Notice of Contract
All public servants for corporate government who have sworn an oath of office in the united States of America and/or it’s many states, counties and subdivisions, have sworn to protect and preserve the constitution of the united States of America, which does not grant any rights. It restricts government agents from violating my natural, God given rights which pre-existed the birth of government and are superior to and
inalienable from encroachments and cannot be regulated. To all public servants of foreign governments: I accept your oath of office and the underlying constitution to which you have sworn your allegiance to, as a binding contract with me, a natural, freeborn child of God. This shall be your governing law, superior to and superseding all others.
Official Recognition in United States Law:
The foreign government of the United States recognized the sovereignty of God by enacting :
Public Law 97-280 (96 Stat. 1211).
By means of this joint resolution, Congress declared the Bible to be the Divine Word of God and authorized the President to proclaim 1983 as the “Year of the Bible”, which was approved on October 04, 1982. Since now, public law recognizes the Word of God, it must acknowledge all things therein to include his statutes, commandments, and judgments and as such, as a separate body politic.
A public law is not just a simple declaration of Congress or a declaration of public policy. A public law applies to the people generally of a nation, in contradistinction to a private law (corporate statutes applying only to members, officials and persons contracted to the municipal corporation known as ‘state’ or ‘federal’ government).
A public law is the law of the land. Thus, in declaring Public Law 97-280, Congress has opened the door by recognizing ‘…the value of voluntarily applying the teachings of Holy Scriptures…” in the Kingdom of God.
Knowing well that one cannot serve two masters, Congress opened the door to God’s people who wanted to follow this path and serve their Sovereign in accordance with HIS law.
Congress, comprehending very well that the people with this status are in fact and in law, separate and apart from all other ‘legal persons’ who are beholden to the municipal corporation and its statutory compelled performance statutes and regulations.
God’s people live upon the land and within the national borders of the geographic 50 states of the union of the united states of America, but in fact are without the UNITED STATES or the United States and thus, in implementing this Public Law, it recognizes this important fact.
This clearly indicates that Congress has acknowledged that there are men and women like me who are subjects of the Kingdom of Heaven and God’s written word. This is significant, in that Congress has recognized this distinct class of people and has made this statutory provision to protect those people in this kingdom,
who live and operate under the law of the realm which is separate and apart from, and foreign to, the United States.
What is a separate and distinct nation? A body of individuals who operate according to a commonly recognized set of laws and from which, violations of those laws have their own separate and peculiar penalties or judgments.
NATIONS. Nations or states are independent bodies politic; societies of men united together for the purpose of promoting their mutual safety and advantage by the joint efforts of their combined strength.
2. But every combination of men who govern themselves, independently of all others, will not be considered a nation; a body of pirates, for example, who govern themselves, are not a nation. To constitute a nation another ingredient is required. The body thus formed must respect other nations in general, and each of their members in particular. Such a society has her affairs and her interests; she deliberates and takes resolutions in common; thus becoming a moral person who possesses an understanding and will peculiar to herself, and is susceptible of obligations and rights. Vattel, Prelim. §1, 2; 5 Pet. S. C. R. 52. (From Bouviers – 1856)
The Unites States Congress, by recognizing “…the national need to study and apply the scriptures.” did not issue a mandate, but rather opened the door for ‘de jure’ Americans to seek refuge from the corporate body politic with its regulations and compelled performance statutes in order to preserve the essence of their nature along with the inherent rights and liberties associated with that nature. This is clear because ‘…studying and applying the scriptures’ can only mean one thing: submitting to that authority and none other. Again, when applied, the scriptures are clear: one cannot serve two masters.
By stating that “…The Word of God has made a unique contribution in shaping the United States…” this Public Law 97-280 further establishes that, from its inception, the UNITED STATES has been fundamentally involved with, and inextricably linked to, God’s Kingdom/Kingdom of Heaven as a foreign organization (Holy Scripture being a set of laws honored, respected and enforced in a regimen separate and apart from the legislative statutes of the United States.)
Earthly Matters – Sovereign Immunity in the Political Realm
Having acknowledged its involvement in, and reliance upon, this foreign organization, the United States congress has further enacted :
The International Organizations Immunities Act, Public Law 79-291: codified at 22 USC § 288
Wherein, “For the purposes of this title, the term ‘‘international organization’’ means a public international organization in which the United States participates pursuant to any treaty or under the authority of any Act of Congress…” (as in PL 97-280)
…”Sec. 2.
International organizations shall enjoy the status, immunities, exemptions, and privileges set forth in this section, as follows:
a) International organizations shall, to the extent consistent with the instrument creating them, possess the capacity—
(i) to contract;
(ii) to acquire and dispose of real and personal property;
(iii) to institute legal proceedings.
b) International organizations, their property and their assets, wherever located, and by whomsoever held, shall enjoy the same immunity from suit and every form of judicial process as is enjoyed by foreign governments, except to the extent that such organizations may expressly waive their immunity for the purpose of any proceedings or by the terms of any contract.
c) Property and assets of international organizations, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, unless such immunity be expressly waived, and from confiscation. The archives of international organizations shall be inviolable.
d) Insofar as concerns customs duties and internal-revenue taxes imposed upon or by reason of importation, and the procedures in connection therewith; the registration of foreign agents; and the treatment of official communications, the privileges, exemptions, and immunities to which international organizations shall be entitled shall be those accorded under similar circumstances to foreign governments.
And further, we can look at the:
at 28 USC §§ 1602-1611
Since I am a natural man, living and breathing upon the land at the behest of my creator and sovereign, I vehemently deny and disavow ever willingly and knowingly being a ‘legal person’ as is clearly confirmed in my affidavit (separate from this document).
However, in the event that one would like to argue to the contrary, they then would have to deal with the fact that I am a natural born American, with family heritage roots in America going back to the original 13 colonies which predate the corporate UNITED STATES and its subsequent bankruptcy which has been administered to, for and on behalf of all ‘United States Citizens’ since HJR 192 in 1933.
Thus, the FOREIGN SOVEREIGN IMMUNITIES ACT at 28 USC §§ 1602-1611 would restrict all public servants of the corporate body politic who are involved in administering the bankruptcy, as it relates to their dealings with me, and all those men and women descendants of the original colonies and the subsequent organic de jure republic who are not members of, and are foreign to, the UNITED STATES, the United States and/or the United States of America with all subdivisions, agents and agencies.
Specifically, I point to §1604– Immunity of a Foreign State from Jurisdiction wherein it is clearly stated that “…a foreign state sh
all be immune from the jurisdiction of the courts of the United States and of the States…”
And whereas, the current administrators of the bankruptcy of the United States, et al, do not and cannot recognize law, substance or any of the Acts or decisions of the ‘de jure’ united States of America prior to HJR 192, to the contrary, the foreign law of my realm predates and supercedes all forms of government and said ‘universal’ law always was and always will be immutable and unchanged, thereby clearly demonstrating it’s unique and superior nature and character which is foreign to all earthly governments.
And insofar as this goes, learned men working in my realm along with the body politic of their contemporaries at the time, which predated the United States, reflect this reality in the following examples;
Robin v. Hardaway, 1 Jefferson 109, 114, 1 Va. Reports Ann. 58, 61 (1772) aff’d. Gregory v. Baugh, 29 Va. 681, 29 Va. Rep. Ann. 466, 2 Leigh 665 (1831) “Now all acts of legislature apparently contrary to natural right and justice, are, in our laws, and must be in the nature of things, considered as void. The laws of nature are the laws of God; whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth. A legislature must not obstruct our obedience to him from whose punishments they cannot protect us. All human constitutions which contradict his laws, we are in conscience bound to disobey. Such have been the adjudications of our courts of justice. “ And cited 8 Co. 118. a. Bonham’s case. Hob. 87; 7. Co. 14. a. Calvin’s case
Dr. Bonham’s Case, 8 Coke’s Reports 107, at 118 (1610) “[I]n many cases, the common law will control acts of parliament, and sometimes adjudge them to be utterly void: for when an act of parliament is against common right and reason, or repugnant, or impossible to be performed, the common law will control it, and adjudge such to be void.”; aff’d. Robin v. Hardaway, 1 Jefferson 109, 114, 1 Va. Reports Ann. 58, 61 (1772);
McFaul v. Ramsey 61 U.S. (20 How.) 523, 525, 15 L.Ed. 1010, 1011 (1858) “This system, matured by the wisdom of ages, founded on principles of truth and sound reason, has been ruthlessly abolished in many of our states, who have rashly substituted in its place the suggestions of scholiasts who invent new codes and systems of pleadings to order. But this attempt to abolish all species, and establish a single genus, is found to be beyond the power of legislative omnipotence. They cannot compel the human mind not to distinguish between things that differ.”